woensdag 30 december 2015

Old dutch editions of Transformers DVD's 001: Generation 2 DVD, Transformers Deel 1

 Old dutch editions of Transformers DVD's


The first DVD is a Generation 2 DVD, Transformers Deel 1 (Part1) Bought at a dutch Bart Smit toyshop in 2003 or 2004.
It has three episodes on it (More than meets the eye 1,2 and 3) and is very nice to own.

Here are some screenshots from the menu structure: 
"Deel" means Part
"Speel alles" means Play All
"Hoofdstukken" means Chapters
"Ondertiteling" means Subtitles
"Aan / Uit" means On /Off

More than meets the eye Deel 1 
"Deel" means Part
"Hoofdmenu" means Main menu.
"Verder" means Next

More than meets the eye Deel 2
"Deel" means Part 
"Terug" means Back
"Hoofdmenu" means Main menu.
"Verder" means Next

More than meets the eye Deel 2
"Deel" means Part 
"Terug" means Back
"Hoofdmenu" means Main menu.

As with all the dvd's I discus, I expect there will be limited availability.
I was going to encode all or atleast some G2 episodes from videotape
but this saves time and effort seeing as I probably wouldn't get such a good quality
from a VHS after 8 Years of watching.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. See below to look at a fullsize of picture both sides of the package.

It's been a while since I posted something, I hope this marks the start of a new tradition.
Happy 2016 !
this article was also posted on www.ubernerdyboy.blogspot.com

maandag 28 december 2015

Project Weight 2015 - 12 - 28

Hi everyone,

welcome to part 5 of a series of blogs about my weight.

My starting weight was 105.5 Kilograms and my ideal weight, considering my length of 1.85 meters would be 85 Kilograms.

Currently, I would be pleased to hang around the 92 kilgrams area but my main goal is to reach under 100 Kilograms.

Week 4 has passed, what have I done?
-Walking the dog regularly for about 15 minutes a day,
-Avoiding carbs as much as possible.

I was dreading this week.

Xmas is always a time when you tend to eat more carb rich food so the challenge was to stay as far away as I could. I did sin a little, I did have some helpings of icecream with layers of chocolate in them but I think I got away with it, as they say.

Time for some facts:
This past 7 days I have:

Walked 9866 meters
In 2 hours, 24 minutes and 43 seconds.
At an average speed of 4,0 Kilometers per hour
Resulting in burning 819.1 Kcal
Using 14097 Steps !

When the or indeed every month has finished, there will be another weight report.

I continue at 101.9 Kg on 21-12-2015,

that's 1.3 Kilograms LESS that previous week !

AND that's 3.6 Kilograms LESS than when I started!

In the new year I will start with sharing recipes.
Until next !


maandag 21 december 2015

Project Weight 2015-12-21

Hi everyone,

welcome to part 4 of a series of blogs about my weight.

My starting weight was 105.5 Kilograms and my ideal weight, considering my length of 1.85 meters would be 85 Kilograms.

Currently, I would be pleased to hang around the 92 kilgrams area but my main goal is to reach under 100 Kilograms.

Week 3 has passed, what have I done?
-Walking the dog regularly for about 15 minutes a day,
-Avoiding carbs as much as possible.

In fact, this week was another test to see how much walking would actually matter
to the whole proces. As it seems, quite a lot. If reducing the walks by half results in
fewer weight loss than I should stay on the 30 minutes a day course.
With Xmas only a few days away, this could be tricky.

Time for some facts:
This past 7 days I have:

Walked 5731 meters
In 1 hour, 23 minutes and 47 seconds.
At an average speed of 4,1 Kilometers per hour
Resulting in burning 476 Kcal
Using 8190 Steps !

When the or indeed every month has finished, there will be another weight report.

I continue at 103.2 Kg on 21-12-2015,

that's 0.5 Kilograms LESS that previous week !

Until next week !


maandag 14 december 2015

Project Weight 2015-12-14

Hi everyone,

welcome to part 3 of a series of blogs about my weight.

My starting weight was 105.5 Kilograms and my ideal weight, considering my length of 1.85 meters would be 85 Kilograms.

Currently, I would be pleased to hang around the 92 kilgrams area but my main goal is to reach under 100 Kilograms.

Week 2 has passed, what have I done?
-Walking the dog regularly for about 30 minutes a day,
-Avoiding carbs as much as possible.

Time for some facts:
This past 7 days I have:

Walked 14218 meters
In 3 hours, 27 minutes and 24 seconds.
At an average speed of 4,1 Kilometers per hour
Resulting in burning 1190 Kcal
Using 20317 Steps !

I continue at 103.7 Kg on 14-12-2015,
that's 1.1 Kilograms LESS that previous week !

Until next week !


maandag 7 december 2015

Project Weight 2015-12-07

Hi everyone,

welcome to part 2 of a series of blogs about my weight.

My starting weight was 105.5 Kilograms and my ideal weight, considering my length of 1.85 meters would be 85 Kilograms.

Currently, I would be pleased to hang around the 92 kilgrams area but my main goal is to reach under 100 Kilograms.

A week has passed, what have I done?
-Walking the dog regularly for about 30 minutes a day,
-Avoiding carbs as much as possible.

for instance, my father and me like to visit a fastfood restaurant(and no, it's not that one ! )
where we eat once a week.
Since I no longer eat as much carbs as before and I don't want to dissapoint him by not eating together, I had to find something to eat on the menu.
I have settled for a burger without the bun and a local 'delight', something called a frikandel. And yes I know, far, far, far from a perfect meal to have when trying a diet but remember:

I am now finding out what I should and shouldn't eat.

Time for some facts:
This past 7 days I have:

Walked 13409 meters
In 3 hours, 14 minutes and 8 seconds.
At an average speed of 4,1 Kilometers per hour
Resulting in burning 1117.2 Kcal
Using 19159 Steps !

I continue at 104.8 Kg on 07-12-2015,
that's 0.7 Kilograms LESS that previous week !

Until next week !


maandag 30 november 2015

Project Weight 2015-11-30

Hi everyone,

Now I begin a series of blogs about my weight.

My current weight is 105.5 Kilograms and my ideal weight, considering my length of 1.85 meters would be 85 Kilograms.

Currently, I would be pleased to hang around the 92 kilgrams area but my main goal is to reach under 100 Kilograms.

How will I do this ? Eating healthier, meaning less carbs and walking the dog regularly for about 30 minutes a day, not counting the normal (short)walks but every day a 30 minute walk 1 one go.

I will share recipes and tips in the coming months.

Let's start and see how far this goes.

I start at 105.5 Kg on 30-11-2015

woensdag 16 september 2015

Teken voor GeenPeil en red de democratie!

Teken voor GeenPeil en red de democratie!
GEENPEIL Het is 2015. Een keer in de vier jaar stemmen is te weinig en veel te ouderwets. Daarom willen we referenda over grote beslissingen. Zoals uitbreiding van de EU. Als 300.000 mensen tussen nu en uiterlijk 28 september even vanaf hun PC, smartphone of tablet willen klikken op TEKEN.GEENPEIL.NL om de gevraagde info in te vullen en hun handtekening op het scherm te krabbelen, dan gaan we nu écht voor een EU Referendum. Dus sluit je aan bij het Leger des Peils. Doe mee. teken de aanvraag, deel deze pagina en red de democratie! Meer info, een FAQ, flyers en overige info op GeenPeil.nl.


donderdag 11 juni 2015

Going Back.

I want to get back to my old weight, so I decided to do a 28 day(and beyond ?) walking course I picked up last weekend.
Updates may be daily(probably not) or weekly(more likely) I start my weight at: 106.6 Kg

take care, UNB